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Trekking K2 Basecamp and Ghondoghoro La

  • 19 Days & 18 Nights
  • Max People : 24
  • Wifi Available
  • Jan 18’ - Dec 21'
  • Min Age : 10+
  • Pickup: Airpot

Gondogoro La is a pass located at a height of 5650 meters connecting Concordia with Hushe Valley and provide a unique adventure to those who also want to have a touch of ice climbing while trekking to K2 Base Camp & Broad Peak Base Camp. These two mountains are considered to be one of the world’s most favorite and best trek with awesome mountain scenery not anywhere else in the highest mountains. The best trekking season to K2 Base Camp , Broad Peak trek and crossing Gondogoro La is June, July and August . The journey starts from Islamabad with a flight to Skardu if weather permits with spectacular views of the World highest Karakoram and Himalaya range including Nanga Parbat. (ninth highest mountain of the world). If we have to take the road journey than it is 15 hours’ drive and one extra day is required. We will spend one night in Skurdu in Concodia Motel. Next day we take jeep to the road head at Askole. K2 Base Camp and Broad Peak Base Camp follows a trekking route lined with rugged mountains all the way from Askole, the last village or you may call last civilization. During the walk up the Baltoro glacier one can see the Trango Towers, Masherbrum, K2 and Broad Peak etc. Concordia, which is a French word, means roundabout and also called the “Throne Room of the Mountain Gods”. Many worlds’ famous 7,000m mountains view and impressive views of K2 for which Concordia is famous. This trekking is high altitude walk and extension to Gondoghoro La requires mountaineering skill to negotiate this pass.

Departure & Return Location

John F.K. International Airport (Google Map)

Departure Time

3 Hours Before Flight Time


4 Bedrooms


6 Bathrooms

Price Includes

  • Air fares
  • 3 Nights Hotel Accomodation
  • Tour Guide
  • Entrance Fees
  • All transportation in destination location

Price Excludes

  • Guide Service Fee
  • Driver Service Fee
  • Any Private Expenses
  • Room Service Fees


  • Umbrella
  • Sunscreen
  • T-Shirt
  • Entrance Fees
What to Expect

Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla.

  • Ipsum Amet Mattis Pellentesque
  • Ultricies Vehicula Mollis Vestibulum Fringilla
  • Condimentum Sollicitudin Fusce Vestibulum Ultricies
  • Sollicitudin Consectetur Quam Ligula Vehicula
  • Cursus Pharetra Purus Porta Parturient
  • Risus Malesuada Tellus Porta Commodo


Arrival at Islamabad International Airport. Received at the Airport by our Mountain Guide and transfer to Hotel Blue Sky or similar for overnight stay. Evening free to go around old city of Rawalpindi.


Fly to Skurdu Pakistan International Air Lines operate Boeing flight to Skardu which is weather dependent and if the flight doesn’t operate today, you will drive to Skardu by Deluxe Hiace / coach. It takes 26 hours of less through some of the beautiful landscapes of Himalaya and Karakoram Mountain ranges. Lunch and dinner on way of traditional foods. Overnight in Concordia or similar at Skurdu.

Day 3ASKOLI (Drive to Askole – 96 kms, 6 – 7 hours)

Today you will drive through first metal road to Shigar and then bumpy but adventures jeep trek to the last civilization before you enter into the jungle of mountains where world highest mountains are located. The camp will be prepared for you and you can take a walk-through wheat field and meet another group also poised to join you on the trek. Village children will try to sell some local handicrafts etc. Sometimes the road to Ashkoli get washed off by hill torrents and you may have to trek till camp site. The days are hot, but evenings are cool. Camp fire are also arranged if the trekking group is big and hundreds of porters are around, and you can join them in their traditional dancing. Overnight in Camp.

Day 4JHULA (Trek to Johola, 3100 m 6 - 7 hours)

Kick off for the trek after breakfast. Soon the green field and rocky trek start till we hit the snout of Biafo Glacier. If it is clear Sun than it will hot day although easy going till oasis like camp site of Korofong. Trek to Snow Lake bifurcate from here toward the left. This is lunch break site and then to continue to Jhola Camp. Initially before the bridge was built a pully was used to cross the bridge. Bakhor Das and Paiju peaks at a distance mark the gate way to Baltoro. A cool stream passes through the camp and one can enjoy by putting the feet into it. Overnight in Camp.

Day 5PAIJU (Trek to Paiju via Bardumal, 3450 m 7 – 8 hours)

Today it will start little earlier as the trek is bit longer. You will walk along the river and sometime come very close to it. Glacier fed streams will be crossed before you reach Paiju. This is the busy camp site by the expedition going up and coming down. The site is developed by the Local Government now with wash basins, litter bins etc. The feast by roasting the goat and singing dancing is part of tradition here. Overnight in Camp.

Day 6REST DAY (Rest and acclimatization day)

Today is a rest and acclimatization day. Although you can go for local walk to stretch your legs you will be able to take things a bit easier and let your body adjust to the altitude. Your guide will be able to suggest some local walks for you if you want to stretch your legs and aid acclimatization. Overnight: Camp.

Day 7KHOBURTSE (Trek to Khoburtse 3999 m, 5 – 6 hours)

Departure for majestic Baltoro Glacier after the breakfast. You have read a lot of Throne room of Mountain God and you have now stepped into it. The glacier will start after an hour walk though covered into rocks but after crossing Ghoro II it will become quite obvious. The trek over it keep changing with time but overall no problem in traversing it. The famous peaks of Karakorum now starts showing up. Lunch stop will be at Lilligo almost after four hours of walk from Paiju. If you are lucky than see ibex on high mountains and some time, they also come down at night in the camp area in search of food. The walk from here is gradual uphill and sometime covered with wildflowers till you cross the snout of Lilligo glacier. After an hour walk up and down on Baltaro you will reach small camp site of Khoburtse. The three peaks are clearily visible from here includes Cathedral Tower, Great Trango Tower and Uli Biaho. Getup early to see and enjoy the sun rise worth enjoying. Overnight in camp.

Day 8URDUKAS (Trek to Urdukas 4052 m 3 – 4 hours)

The sun rise will give you lot of strength if it is clear morning and after breakfast move for short but strenuous trek. It is intentionally kept short to acclimatization you. Although the walk is difficult, but you will definitely enjoy the good view of Broad Peak in the distance. Today’s place for the night stay is Urdukas which although small but has a history. In 1909 expedition of the Duke of Abruzzi men make terraces to accommodate the expedition for spending the night. The overview here is breath taking especially of Baltoro Glacier and of mount Cathedral across. Overnight in camp.

Day 9GORO 2 (Trek to Gore 2, 4380 m 5 – 6 hours)

Today when you start your trek after breakfast will come across some of the stunning views of the above seven thousand peaks. First the Masherbrum peak at 7821 meters high across the glacier and the second view of Muztagh Tower at 7273 meters. At the start of Urdukas camp there are graves of those porters who laid their lives during expedition and the porters accompanying you will stop here to say prayers for those departed souls. Now you will see Gasherbrum IV just in front as it seems at the start of Baltoro Glacier and the walk will be quite slow as it is complete going upward. Now the glaciers which is still mostly covered with rocks is also joined by the huge ice pyramids adding beauty to the scenery After about four hours of walk we will have lunch somewhere near Gore I. Another three-hour walk will take us to camp Gore 2 which seems to be under Gasherbrum IV. There is no special place for pitching the tent here and you have to search or prepare it. There is also an Army camp nearby. Gore II camp site is just after the small army camp and covers quite an area spread over the rock covered glacier. Here, the cold wind blows down the glacier, and camp facilities are nothing like those at the fixed camps but given a clear night star-filled sky over the surrounding peaks is truly magical. Overnight in tent.


Day 10CONCORDIA (Gore 2 to Concordia, 4650 m 4 – 5 hours)

Today after breakfast we start little late till the Sun comes up. It is memorable day in one’s life when you approach the most impressively situated camp sites in the world. The peaks tower over you and all appear to be spectacular. Some of the peaks you can see are Gasherbrum II, 8,035m, Mitre Peak, Chogolisa, 7,665m, Broad Peak, 8,047m and visible for the first time, the second highest mountain in the world – K2, 8,611m. Concordia is at an altitude of approximately 4,606m/15,108ft, and although our well-established itinerary allows for gradual acclimatization to take place, you are likely to feel some mild effects of being at this altitude. The camp at Concordia spreads over a huge area where the Godwin-Austin glacier meets the Baltoro, and the sites furthest away as you approach give the best views of K2. It may be busy here with a mixture of climbing parties and trekking groups enjoying the setting. The altitude and exposure to the wind can make this feel the coldest of all the campsites, but the sensational setting more than compensates. Overnight in camp.

Day 11BROAD PEAK BASE CAMP (Altitude 5000m, 3 – 4 hours)

Today after breakfast we will move on the Glacier called Godwin-Austin and leads toward the base camp of K-2. Although it looks quite level but actually it is gaining very much gradient in next 3 to 4 hours. The base camp of Broad Peak will come on our right side while walking. Broad Peak is the 12th highest mountain on earth and is continuation of Gasherbrum. Broad Peak was initially named K3 but latter on because of its long summit renamed as Broad Peak whose first ascent was made on June 9, 1957 by Fritz Wintersteller, Marcus Schmuck, Kurt Diemberger, and Hermann Buhl of an Austrian expedition led by Marcus Schmuck. Overnight in camp.

Day 12K 2 BASE CAMP (Altitude 5117m, 3 – 4 hours)

After breakfast it is two hours walk to K2 base camp and see how the nature has made the pyramid. At base camp and during this trek meet many mountaineers to chat on different topic from all around the world. This is the most magnificent mountain location in the world. Return to Broad Peak Base Camp for your overnight stay.

Day 13ALI CAMP (Altitude 4958 m, Time 7 hours)

Departure to Ali Camp which is a rocky plateau surrounded by ice from all sides which requires some 6 hours continuous ascent into Vigne Valley and difficult to find proper trek from upper Baltoro Glacier. This is quite cool place and mostly people take rest for next morning early start. The crevasses, small rivers etc on the snowy route start increasing and precaution is necessary and tying with rope is recommended. Excellent view back to K 2, Broad Peak and dozens of other peaks. Overnight in camp.

Day 14KHUSPANG (Altitude 5650, Time 10 hours)

We start our trek mid night 0200hrs as there is risk of rock falls and land slide on the other side of the pass as Sun rises and thus trekkers reach the top by first light to cross the Gondoghoro La pass on way to the camp site of Khuspang. The ascent of pass requires use of ice axe, crampons and a jumar as safety measures by every trekker. Reach the Khuspang Camp safely through the lateral moraine along a trail before the Sun gets warm. Overnight in camp.

Day 15SHAIESHCHO (Altitude 3600 m, 6 hours)

After breakfast we follow a clear trek to Hushe Village which is also a jeep head crisscrossed by several small rivers. Overnight in camp.

Day 16HUSHE (Altitude 3300m, Time 6 hours)

After breakfast we will do the last part of the trekking to hit the civilization on the road head Hushe. It is located in Khaplu District with few shops / camping ground and gate way to most of the adventurous trek which lead North of Shyok River. The nearby porters will say goodbye to you, and some will utilize the jeep facilities for their home. The cooking support party will get fresh items for their final dinner to the group. G T Vigne ascended Saltoro Valley in 1838 from here and a Glacier was named after him over which the group trekked after leaving Concordia. Three famous mountaineers also follow his footsteps and discovered the head of Bilafond Glacier.  Overnight in camp

Day 17SKURDU ( Altitude 2340m, Time 6 hours)

Drive to Skurdu. Today after the last camp type breakfast we drive on the hilly road look even comfortable after so many days of walk. Soon the road gets converted into black top and comfortable drive. Back to comfortable hotel room with shower and grand food waiting at Skurdu and possibly a cold Chinese beer. Overnight in Concodia Motel or similar.


Day at leisure in Islamabad or trip to Murree or to Taxila. Today you will have the option to explore Rawalpind or may visit Islamabad at your own pace, rest and relax at your hotel or take a guided tour to visit Taxila. Most of the archaeological sites of Taxila (600 BC to 500 AD) are located around Taxila museum. For over one thousand-year Taxila remained famous as a centre of learning and for the Gandhara art of sculpture, architecture, and of Buddhism. There are over 50 archaeological sites scattered in a radius of 30 km around Taxila. In Taxila you can visit the archaeological sites of Jaulian, Mohra Moradu and Sirkap. There is also the option to visit Taxila museum, housing the rich archaeological finds of Taxila. You will also visit Sirkap, an archaeological site on the bank opposite to the city of Taxila.


I'm a solo traveller, is there a single supplement?

A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. I am alone, and feel the charm of existence in this spot, which was created for the bliss of souls like mine. I am so happy, my dear friend, so absorbed in the exquisite.

Which currency is most widely accepted on this tour?

– Austria – Euro (EUR)
– France – Euro (EUR)
– Germany – Euro (EUR)
– Italy – Euro (EUR)
– Netherlands – Euro (EUR)
– Switzerland – Swiss franc (CHF)
– United Kingdom – Pound sterling (£)

Should I book pre/post tour accommodation?

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia.

It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth. Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the blind texts it is an almost unorthographic life One day however.

What is cancellation policy?

A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. I am alone, and feel the charm of existence in this spot, which was created for the bliss of souls like mine. I am so happy, my dear friend, so absorbed in the exquisite.

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